• 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum
  • 6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum

6-i-1 Anti Aging Serum

Tax included.
  • 0% irritants
  • 0% preservatives
  • Enhancing Microbiome
  • Fragrance free
Enligt kliniska studier (in vitro):

- 50% minskning av rynkyta efter bara 1 dag

Ytan, djupet och volymen av rynkor minskar avsevärt efter 28 dagar

Upp till 70% mer fast och slät hud efter 28 dagar

+18% ökning av fibroblastaktiviteten efter 4 timmar som varar i 24 timmar (aktiva fibroblaster = ökad kollagenproduktion)

81% minskning av inflammatoriska processer efter 28 dagar (minskad akne, rodnad, torrhet, ärrbildning)

Upptäck vårt prisbelönta vattenfria, multifunktionella anti-aging-serum – en 100 % naturlig blandning av icke-komedogena oljor som är lämplig för alla hudtyper. Istället för vatten är basen gjord av nyponrosolja som fylld med Vitamin A, B, C, E och K. Tillsammans med Paracress-extrakt, ger serumet en -50 % minskning av ytrynkor redan efter första appliceringen.


Lämplig för:


  • Kombinerad hud
  • Torr hud
  • Fet hud
  • Känslig hud
  • Normal hud
  • Ljus hudton
  • Medium hudton
  • Olivhudton
  • Mörk hudton
  • Djup hudton

    Upplev de synliga fördelarna när serumet förfinar hudens struktur och revitaliserar, vilket ger en strålande, ungdomlig hy. Förbättra din hudvårdsrutin med en kraftfull, vetenskapligt beprövad produkt. Tidlös skönhet börjar här – ge din hud (och ditt badrum) den omsorg den förtjänar.
What makes it different

Winner Nordic Natural Beauty Awards
"Best Innovation"

Winner Beauty Oscar by Skonhetsredaktorerna.se
"Årets cirkuläritet 2022"

Winner Instyle Magazine
"Bästa förpackning"

Winner Beauty Short List 2024
"Eco Brand, Product of the Year design", "Best recyclable “Relove” Beauty Brand", "Best product in Upcyclable Beauty", "Best Waterless Beauty Product", "Winner in category Packaging, Design & Innovation"

✓ 100% natural & waterless product
✓ Free from any irritants & preservatives
✓ Microbiome friendly
✓ Suits all skin types and ages
✓ Concentrated & longlasting
✓ Comes in reusable terracotta
✓ Consciously made in Europe

What's in it

Each product we create are designed to be 100% waterless and to have minimal impact on our planet while enhancing your skin's inherent abilities to self hydrate and self heal.

Ingredients: Rosa Canina (Rosehip) Fruit Oil, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Seed Oil, Tocopherol, Acmella Oleracea (Paracress) Extract, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Citrus Aurantium (Neroli) Flower Oil, Santalum Album (Sandalwood) Oil

How to use it

1. Dagvård: Applicera 2-3 droppar serum på rengjord hud på morgonen. Använd fingertopparna för att sprida serumet jämnt över ansiktet. Oljan absorberas inom 5-15 minuter och kan användas som bas för makeup.

2. Nattvård: Applicera 3-4 droppar serum på rengjord hud. Använd fingertopparna för att sprida serumet jämnt över ansiktet. För bättre resultat, använd ett massageverktyg, en kall matsked eller dina fingrar för att massera in oljorna i huden.

3. Ögonvård: Detta skonsamma serum är även lämpligt för den tunna huden runt ögonen. Använd bara överbliven mängd från Dag- eller Nattvård och stryk runt ögonområdet.

4. After Shave (ansikte): Applicera 2-3 droppar över det rakade området och arbeta in det i hela ansiktet med fingertopparna.

5. Sminkborttagning: Applicera önskad mängd produkt på en fuktad bomullsrondell och ta bort smink där det behövs. Avlägsnar även vattenfast smink såsom läppstift och mascara.

6. Hals- & Dekolletageserum: Applicera 3-5 droppar i händerna och fördela över hals- och dekolletageområdet en gång om dagen. Om du ska ha på dig kläder strax efter appliceringen är det bäst att göra detta på kvällen.

Volume & Size

Total vikt: 200 g (förpackning + innehåll)

Mått: 7,5 cm x 8,5 cm x 3,5 cm


Store just like regular cosmetics in room temperature. The absence of water is a preservative in itself, without the microbiome compromising side effects.

We recommend that solid products (ie Butter & Balm) shouldn't be exposed to temperatures above 25 degrees celsius as the natural butters inside the formulas might take on another structure. The products are still safe to use shall they be exposed to heat and lose their original texture.

The product is recommended to be used within 2 years and within 6 months from opening the seal.

Shipping & Returns

Stock items are packed and shipped within 2-5 business days. We ship to the EU, Norway, UK, Switzerland, San Marino, USA & Canada.

Shall you experience a problem with the product kindly reach out to us and we will send you a replacement or refund, read more here

Säg hej till din sista hudvård

Hero Ingredients

Rik på fettsyror (omega-3 och 6), provitamin A (retinol), B, C, E och K, kända för att förbättra hudens struktur, kontrollera Sebum produktionen, minska inflammation och fungera som milt exfolierande.

Ger en långvarig återfuktande effekt och hjälper till att kontrollera talgproduktionen.

Kliniskt bevisat att stärka dermis arkitektur och stimulera fibroblasternas funktioner, vilket hjälper till att minska uppkomsten av rynkor. Upp till 50 % minskning av rynkors synlighet efter en applicering.

En exklusiv olja som samtidigt återfuktar, föryngrar och lugnar huden.

Har antiinflammatoriska egenskaper samtidigt som den stimulerar hudens naturliga cellförnyelseprocess.

Packaging design story

Den 'Lilla Snigeln' var den första designen från Oquist-familjen. Inspirerad av naturens skönhet, särskilt det detaljerade snäckskalet, har den en form som följer den harmoniska balansen i det gyllene snittet. Vi valde snigeln som symbol för vår starka tro på hållbarhet och för att hylla naturens under.

Our Pricing

Vi tror att större produktvolymer gynnar både din plånbok och planeten. Vårt 6-i-1 Serum är 100 ml, vilket är tre gånger större än standardvolymen på marknaden (standardstorleken för ansiktsserum/-olja är 10-30 ml). Avsaknaden av vatten i formuleringen gör även att produkten är 80% drygare. Ett Serum räcker i 12 månader. Se nedan för att jämföra pris per milliliter för vattenfria ansiktsoljor på marknaden (konkurrentanalys från och med januari 2024)

Meet the founder

Olga Rinquist is a part of a father and daughter duo who founded Oquist Cosmetics in 2021. Both with extensive experience in the cosmetic industry and a heart for nature and sustainability. Olga's professional experience has been within sales and marketing in well-known Swedish fashion and beauty retail companies. She was recently titled as one of the top 10 most influential people in green beauty of Scandinavia 2023.

2,500+ happy customers

  • ★★★★★

    “We have been using your Serum on our faces for over 2 months now. My skin has never looked this well, it is an amazing product and it makes my face look so smooth! Thank you so much”

    Jeremy from France
  • ★★★★★

    “In love. These products are everything my skin has been looking for in the past 20 years”

    Caroline from Norway
  • ★★★★★

    “The butter arrived! Amazing! Lot of compliments and thank you! I think you have me for life... I used a lot of stuff before, you made me realize less is more”

    Claudia from Italy
  • ★★★★★

    “I used to work with product development in the skincare industry and must say the serum is beyond amazing. It gives my skin a glow that is out of this world. And the packaging is of course just mind-blowing, congrats!”

    Jo from Belgium
  • ★★★★★

    “My sensitive skin finally found its match. This balm not only hydrates deeply but does so without causing any irritation and the results speak for themselves. I'm in total awe over the packaging design but don't expect to repurpose it soon, I'm using my balm daily and it's far from finished 9 months later”

    Angela B
  • ★★★★★

    “Got my 5in1 Butter today, 10/10! The smell is so light, fresh & cheerful. Very glad you went with citrus. I will definitely be ordering more for friends and around my house. Well done! Overall amazing product and I can't wait for the rest of the line to be released, bravo!”

    Roxy from USA

Common questions

With a focus on a streamlined product portfolio, our versatile formulas cater to all skin types – whether sensitive, dry, oily, acne-prone, young, mature, or across genders. We achieve this inclusivity by incorporating ingredients suitable for every skin type.

The primary decision lies in Face Care, where we offer two options: the 6in1 Serum and the 6in1 Elixir.

The Serum, designed for all skin types and ages, gently refines and regenerates.

For a more potent anti-aging effect, the 6in1 Elixir includes Retinol, but may cause irritation in sensitive skin and should always be paired with UV protection in day light.

These two options can be seamlessly combined – the 6in1 Serum for Day Care and the 6in1 Elixir for Night Care.

You can either try to see if our products are stocked in your location (see Stockists section in the footer of the website), or you can purchase our Test & Travel Kit that comes in a test glass packaging and is worth 2+ months of 3 products

Although we operate in the Premium segment, our products are perceived as affordable by the majority of our thousands of customers, and here's why. Traditional cosmetic products often consist of 80% water, acting as a filler without specific benefits for the skin. "Aqua" typically tops the ingredient label, reflecting its volume dominance. While water costs close to nothing, it's primarily used to dilute the product, with customers unknowingly paying for an abundance of it.

Imagine the transformation when that 80% water is replaced with a highly active ingredient like Rosehip Oil, even though it comes at a higher cost. Our formulas become not only more potent but also more concentrated, requiring significantly less product per use. Additionally, our products boast an average volume x3 larger than standard offerings, coupled with multifunctionality. This translates to fewer product units needed, reduced frequency of repurchasing, and a lower price per milliliter, making our Premium Skincare accessible without compromise.

While our products grace the shelves of select niche stores, hotels, and SPAs (se Stockists section on the website), you won't find them at major retailers. This intentional decision stems from our commitment to maintaining affordability. Larger retailers often demand substantial discounts, around 80%, which, unfortunately, we cannot accommodate without compromising our accessible pricing. Rather than inflating our prices by 50% to conform to industry standards, we've opted to concentrate our efforts on niche retailers and our online community, ensuring our products remain within reach for our valued customers.

Our boutique natural cosmetics factory, where co-founder Pavels oversees production, is located in Riga, Latvia. From here, we carefully craft and ship our products to you

First of all, hydration comes from water and moisture comes from oils, and there is a common misconception that hydration of the skin comes from the water in
creams and lotions. True hydration comes from the water molecules in the air and from the water we drink/eat. Our skin barrier (if fully functioning) takes these molecules and hydrates all the skin layers from the inside out. This is why dry skin is really not just dry but a skin barrier that has lost it's function of retaining and keeping the water balance. An optimal hydration
and moisturizing level comes from within through something called the water-oil balance. While topical application does give a temporary mechanic hydration of the outer skin layer, it doesn’t hydrate the deeper skin layers. So instead of keeping the skin barrier busy with trying to stop irritants from topical products penetrating the skin, we believe it’s best to let it do what it was designed to do in the first place - self hydrate and self regenerate.

Our sourcing strategy is based on three main principles:

1. Quality
2. Sustainable and responsible raw material production
3. Using waste products when possible

Terrakotta är inte mer ömtålig när det gäller att gå sönder än glas, vilket är ett vanligt förpackningsmaterial inom kosmetika. Många inomhusrefill-tvåldispenserar är också tillverkade av lera, vilket kan ge dig en uppfattning om hur det kan vara. Om din Oquist-förpackning trots detta skulle gå sönder, kommer vi att skicka dig en ny.